Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Photos uploaded

I've just spent the past 2 hours uploading pictures to our flickr account. I'm hoping as I learn the system and the shortcuts, the time I have to devote to this will decrease. I went ahead and splurged for a 2 year deal with them so we could have essentially unlimited server space to share all the photos we have. I have grouped some of the pictures, but not all, so be sure to figure out how to view everything. The way the groups are posting is in reverse order, too - i.e. Bellagio was our first stop, not our last. Also, I'm not even close to uploading everything, so please check back for more. Email or comment with any questions and I'll try to clarify!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Here we go...

I have to say I never thought we'd get here, but heck, here we are! I realized while writing thank you notes after our wedding there was no easy way to give everyone the total update on the honeymoon unless we found a way to post all the pictures online. But, what are the pictures without the stories? Sarabeth and her family use this as a way to communicate with the outside world, so I figured we'd try, too. Let's see how it goes...